Friday, November 17, 2023

FEELING TONES at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn

Please save the date to join me Sunday, December 10th inside the Modern Chapel at Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn). Recent videos from my new project Feeling Tones will be on view all day from 11-4. You can RSVP ahead here to join me for a talk/conversation with the lovely Harry Weil at 4pm.  

Much of my work explores mortality but Feeling Tones probes into some newfound territory. The project grew out of the pandemic and lands here in a new state of grief. As short meditations, the videos feel into a few strangely shaped pockets of anxiety, dreams, and final wishes, to closely examine what usually gets swept aside for the sake of productivity. I’ve edited a collection specifically for this transient Chapel site. It’s a complicated time to be looking so intimately at these topics, but I hope to hold space for loss together.

Florilegia, Archival Pigment Print 30x40"

*The word Florilegia is from the Latin flos (flower) and legere (to gather): literally a gathering of flowers,or collection of fine extracts from the body of a larger work. Florilegia was adapted from the Greek anthologia(ἀνθολογία)"anthology", with the same etymological meaning.