Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We Can't Predict Tomorrow at AAC


    Bahar Yürükoğlu, still from IYKYK, 2021

Arlington Arts Center

June 19 - Aug 28, 2021

My participatory installation, Reunions (2019) is currently on view (and open to individual experiences) in the exhibition at AAC, organized by guest curator Amanda Jirón-Murphy. 

We Can’t Predict Tomorrow is a hopeful glimpse into the unexpected ways nine artists approached the relentless tumult of the COVID-19 global pandemic. In sculpture, photography, installation, drawing, and painting, the works reveal themes that have taken on a heightened urgency under the duress of the prolonged quarantine and isolation in the U.S.: issues of social justice, climate change, and the intense longing for sanctuary, community, and shared experiences. 

The works in We Can’t Predict Tomorrow offer a way to heal from the trauma of the past year while simultaneously forging a joyful path into the future. Experienced together, these works transport visitors through a time when humanity lived at the knife’s edge of uncertainty and found ways to not only survive, but to keep on living.