Monday, August 22, 2016


Location for Vigil, Clermont State Historic Site, 2016

VIGIL: a space for memory 

September 17 – October 16, 2016

Visiting hours: Fri - Sun from 11am to 2pm
Clermont State Historic Site, Germantown, NY

Opening: September 17th from 3-6pm
Community Sing hosted by the Threshold Choir 
September 25th from 2-3pm 

VIGIL: a space for memory is a site-based installation exploring the power of loss and remembrance through a unique auditory experience. Ignited by my ongoing work with a community of women continuing the tradition of bedside singing to the dying, the project encourages visitors to acknowledge the passing of time and the complexity of grief while visiting a historic home that has itself witnessed countless deaths, war, and rebirths. 

Clermont's rich past, played out over centuries on the bank of the Hudson, encourages visitors to consider their relationship to the site as both tourists and participants in the greater history of humanity--sitting with others who have walked the same path, or imagining those who have arrived and departed before.  

Housed in a former milk shed attached to the main house,the installation provides an intimate environment, creating a holding space for contemplating loss, and allowing these emotions to be processed in a public way, thus shattering the cultural norm of silence surrounding death and mourning.

To deepen the experience of the exhibition, and to welcome community engagement on the grounds of Clermont State Historic Site, members of the Westchester and Hudson Valley Threshold Choirs (accompanied by members from NYC) will lead a Community Sing on September 25 from 2-3pm. The Threshold Choir is an international organization, which trains singers to sing at the bedside of the sick and dying.  During the Community Sing the choir will offer healing songs to sing along with, or simply listen to.

For information / directions to Clermont please go here and here
For more about the project and my work go here


This project has been made possible in part through funds from the Pollination Project.

Numerous people contributed significantly to the realization of this project and I am deeply grateful for the assistance and support of the following individuals: Susan Boudreau and Conrad Hanson for granting me the unique opportunity to create an audio work for the grounds of Clermont and their support throughout the project, Cindy Harris and members of the Pittsburgh Threshold Choir for inviting me into their process and leading me to begin singing in NYC, singer and songwriter Annie Garretson for her guidance and song permissions, Dorothy Calvani, Winnie Lee, and Marcia Picciotto for their open voices, editor and writer Linnea Marik, audio producer Josie Holtzman and designer Amanda Chung.   

Vigil was conceived after losing my father Gary G. Davis in 2013, and is created in memory of all those who have arrived and departed before us.